I am so super excited about this bridal session at Dresser Mansion, if you follow me you know by now this is one of my ultimate favorite venues in town!! There is something about that place that is just magical. Marci is such beautiful bride and she tied the Knot this past weekend at The […]

Bridal Sessions

June 29, 2015

Dresser Mansion Bridal Session : Mrs. Gaines

                        Tarp Chapel at nigh is absolutely perfect. That gazebo all lit up looks so great! Meet Paola and Russ from the 90-day fiance show at TLC. From the first moment I met Pao and Russ, I knew I wanted to document their story, and […]


February 25, 2014

Pao & Russ are married | 90 Day fiance Tarp Chapel wedding {Tulsa, OK}

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